Children's day camp



No vacant tables


Neutron training week. We improve attention and memory, the speed of perception and processing of information, and develop general and fine motor skills. (part 1)


Week of neutron training. We improve attention and memory, speed of perception and processing of information, develop general and fine motor skills. (part 2)


Explorers Week. We conduct interesting experiments, study the world around us, and take our first steps in scientific research. (part 1)


Experimenters’ Week. We get acquainted with natural phenomena, experiment and study chemical and physical phenomena in a playful way. (part 2)


Week of Discoveries. We study the world around us, explore uninhabited islands and oceans, travel and get to know the most interesting places on the planet and in the universe.


No vacant tables

Children's day camp

"No screen monsters"

For children from 6 to 12 years old

Save your children from the scary-horrible screen monsters in our children’s day camp from “Talent Factory”.

These scary-terrible screen monsters live in mobile phones, tablets, computers and televisions. They are just trying to take over the child’s thoughts and drag him into their screen world. Monsters take away the ability to dream and create, draw and explore the world around us. In our summer camp “Talent Factories” we have come up with many interesting activities and entertainment for children to forget about these screen monsters.

Tablet monster

Appears very unexpectedly and very quickly draws you into his on-screen world.
Afraid of water and strict parents

Smartphone monster

Almost never falls asleep and is always ready to grab the child’s thoughts and clutter them with unnecessary information.
Afraid of running out of battery, hides in phone case

3 copy

Common Monitor Monster

Can successfully disguise himself as important documents on the computer, but is terribly averse to school essays and reports.


375€ week (5 days)

350€ for brothers and sisters

320€ four days

300€ for brothers and sisters

255€ three days

240€ for brothers and sisters

180€ two days

170€ for brothers and sisters

95€ one day

90€ for brothers and sisters

Camp "Explorers Week" 3 days 12.08-14.08

shortened due to holidays

240€ 3 days

225€ for brothers and sisters

180€ two days

170€ for brothers and sisters

95€ one day

90€ for brothers and sisters

The price includes a delicious balanced lunch and all educational materials.

Leave a request for the camp

Please fill out the registration form in Latin letters

Our camp is a place where every day turns into an amazing adventure.

We invite you to the summer day camp “Neurotraining Week”

We start the morning at our camp with exciting neuro-training that will help your brain warm up before a busy day. Neurogymnastics is a series of exercises that activate brain activity through physical movements. These exercises help form new neural connections, which allows you to learn faster, better absorb information, and develop new skills.

During the week we will master many interesting and useful skills:

  • Rubik’s Cube and SpeedCubing: Let’s get acquainted with the basics of solving a Rubik’s Cube and take the first steps in speed solving.
  • Memorization techniques: We will learn basic memorization methods that will help to stimulate your imagination and train your speech. Children will build sentences and come up with fantastic stories.
  • Soroban Abacus: Let’s get acquainted with the Japanese method of counting on the Soroban abacus. Let’s learn to count within the first row and transfer this counting into our imagination in order to simultaneously engage both hemispheres of the brain.

Join us and give your children an unforgettable summer full of new knowledge, games and fun!

We invite you to the summer day camp Explorers' Week and Experimenters' Week.

First steps into the fascinating world of science.

If something in your house is constantly hissing, exploding, changing color, foaming, burning, or freezing in the freezer, and it’s definitely not you or Barabashka, it’s time to prepare your child for our scientific summer camp.

Here he will put all his research potential to good use. And you will have the opportunity to breathe a little, relax… and gain strength for his new experiments.

After all, in our camp, a child will receive concentrated knowledge of physics, chemistry and mathematics in an interesting and exciting form, through practical experiments and game models.

What will happen:

  • we will find out what force is and what types of forces there are;
  • let’s figure out what kind of beast this electricity is;
  • let’s find out what an atom is and how many atoms can fit on the tip of a needle;
  • in a playful manner, based on experiments, we will analyze the basics of natural science;
  • we will study toys as physical models of processes;
  • Let’s get acquainted with magical logic that will help you easily master new knowledge;
  • let’s love mathematics – the basis of everything around us;
  • let’s make friends with mathematical operations, learn the history of numbers and what sets are;
  • let us be amazed by the beauty of geometry;
  • we will learn to make scientific conclusions,
  • and just have a fun time.

The child won’t even realize that he is learning. For him, every day will be full of new games, discoveries and adventures. And from the camp, a little inquisitive scientist will return to you, ready to conquer new experimental heights!

We invite you to the summer day camp "Pioneers' Week"!

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure? In our camp, children will become real explorers and spend a week full of amazing discoveries and adventures!

What awaits your children:

  • We study the world around us:
  • Let’s start by exploring the immediate surroundings and learn to find the amazing in the most ordinary places.
  • Learn how nature works by observing plants, insects and weather patterns.
  • Explore uninhabited islands and oceans:
  • Let’s create our own maps and go on an imaginary journey to unknown islands.
  • We will learn about marine life, mysterious inhabitants of the deep, and build models of coral reefs.
  • We travel to the most interesting places on the planet:
  • Let’s take virtual tours of the world’s greatest natural and historical monuments.
  • We will learn about the culture and traditions of different nations, try national dishes and create our own mini-projects.
  • Exploring the Universe:
  • Let’s get acquainted with planets, stars and galaxies.
  • Let’s build our own models of the solar system and learn to navigate by the stars.
  • Join us for Pioneer Week! Give your children the opportunity to spend their summer in a fun and useful way, expanding their horizons and developing their curiosity. Our camp will become a place for them where every minute turns into a real discovery!

We invite you to the summer day camp “Creative Week”:

Throughout this week, children will be immersed in the world of creativity and art, learning various drawing and sculpting techniques. Each day will be filled with exciting activities designed to develop their artistic skills and imagination. Here’s what the kids will be doing:

  • Introduction to the basics of drawing. Children will become familiar with various drawing materials and tools, and will learn to draw simple objects using lines, shapes and contours.
  • -Exploring color and mixing paints. Children will learn about color theory and how to mix paints to create new shades. Practical classes will include drawing colorful pictures.
  • Introduction to sculpting. Children will learn about various materials for modeling and basic techniques for working with them. They will sculpt simple shapes and animal figures.
  • Basics of composition in drawing and modeling. Children will learn how to correctly arrange objects on a sheet of paper and create sketches. Practical classes will include drawing and sculpting compositions from several elements.
  • Experimental drawing techniques. Children will be introduced to a variety of experimental techniques such as scratchboarding and finger painting. At the end of the day they will have free time to be creative using any techniques they have learned.
  • Modern sculpting techniques. Children will learn new materials and sculpting techniques such as polymer clay and texturing. They will create complex figures and overall compositions from polymer clay.

This week promises to be eventful and interesting, filled with creativity and new discoveries in the world of art!